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Kalap is 210 kms from Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand and 450 kms from New Delhi.

The nearest railway station and airport is at Dehradun. Dehradun is well-connected by daily trains and flights from all over India. It takes 6-8 hours by car or 10 hours by bus to reach the village of Kotgaon, the nearest road head to Kalap.

How to reach Kalap? 

There is only way to reach Kalap - walking.

The route is from our office in Kotgaon. Distance is 4.5 kms, which is about 4 hours of walking.

Porters and mules can be organised to carry your luggage to visit Kalap, which makes travel to our village a very comfortable travel experience! 

How to reach our office in Kotgaon?

Google Map Location:

Private transport: 

-- If you are coming by your own car, safe parking is available at our office and its free for our guests.

-- If you want to come by private taxi, contact us and we will put you in touch with our regular taxi operator who will give you best rate.


Public transport:


There are 3 buses that depart from Dehradun to our office location in Kotgaon.


Private Bus - departs from opposite Dehradun Railway Station.

Timings: 5.30 am and 6.30 am 

Uttarakhand Roadways Govt Bus - departs from Dehradun Railway Station Hill Bus Stand.

Timings: 8.00 am

Buy ticket to Motwar, Kotgaon. Ask conductor to drop you at 'Motwar Hospital', they all know it.

Always reach 30 mins before bus departure to bus stand to get best seats. No advance reservation available.


Return buses to Dehradun - from our office in Kotgaon


5.30 am & 6.30 am - Private Bus

7.00 am - Uttarakhand Roadways Govt Bus 



Office: Kotgaon, Uttarkashi Dist. Uttarakhand.

(We handle initial enquiry only on Email or WhatsApp call/text. Thank you!)

(All content and images copyright TTTS Pvt Ltd)

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